Professional Geologic Consulting
Energy From All Sources
Professional geologic consultants to help you find and develop the energy resources we all need. To meet growing energy demands, we need energy from ALL sources. Grounded Energy works to ensure our energy security.
Consulting Services
Oil and Gas
Meeting your goals with over a decade of experience in unconventional and conventional plays, working in small to large shops.
Resource identification and quantity estimate.
Field mapping and well log interpretation.
Prospect identification.
Operations and development support.
Lithium exploration expertise, having worked with industry leaders and investment companies both in and out of the US.
Resource identification and quantity estimate.
Prospect identification.
Recommendations on development and production.
Connect you with potential developers and industry leading DLE providers.
There are enormous stores of energy in the form of geothermal heat waiting under our feet.
Resource Identification.
Development recommendations.
Connect you to industry leading developers and researchers.